Know the MAAD Protocol

Do you know where to go in case of abuse, harassment, threat, discrimination, sexual or gender violence?

The Superior Council of the Universidad de los Andes declared that it is “an institutional will and responsibility to prevent, punish and reject all forms of threats, harassment, bullying, mistreatment, discrimination against any member of the university community (…) this includes any practice of sexual harassment and violence ”(MAAD Protocol, p. 3). From this arises the need to create a protocol that guides institutional actions to confront and prevent the occurrence of behaviors of abuse, harassment, threat, discrimination, and sexual or gender violence.

The MAAD Protocol aims to define and guide institutional lines of action to prevent and address these situations. The Protocal outlines principles of confidentiality as well as how to care for others and yourself in these situations. In this way, different entities such as the Office of the Dean of Students, the Ombudsperson, the MAAD Committee, the Directorate of Human Management, the Committee on Work Coexistence, the student networks, the Legal Office and the Medical Center seek to guarantee the rights of the community. These entities at Uniandes work together to implement prevention and protection measures to ensure that there are no violations of these protocols. To understand these protocols further, you can go to the following link.

If you are a witness, victim, or are involved in a MAAD situation, you can go to the following units, where you will receive support from members of the community who will advise you on next steps:

  • Student DECA: supports and meets the (academic and personal) needs of the students. Additionally, it offers mental health first aid as well as mental health counseling for students. (Ext: 2230 or 2207; Hours of operation at the Casita Amarilla Monday through Friday from 7am to 5pm, email: [email protected], [email protected]).
  • Ombudsperson: person who watches over the rights of community members and institutional norms. It offers spaces for conflict resolution and mediation (Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, ext.: 3932 or 3933).
  • Lineamaad: Receives, registers and addresses information on cases of abuse, harassment, threat, discrimination, sexual or gender violence ([email protected]).
  • PACA Student Network (Peer Accompaniment Against Harassment): PACA is a group of undergraduate and graduate students from different careers at the UniAndes that provides comprehensive advice and support to students who believe they are facing a MAAD situation ([email protected]).
  • MAAD Counselor: He is a teacher who can guide you in this type of situation. To consult the list of MAAD directors and have more information about the protocol, click here.

Organización Mundial de la Salud. Violencia contra la mujer: violencia de pareja y violencia sexual contra la mujer. Nota descriptiva N°. 239. Actualización de septiembre de 2011. Ginebra, Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2011.

Protocolo para casos de Maltrato, Acoso, Amenaza, Discriminación, Violencia Sexual o de Género (MAAD). Universidad de los Andes. (2019).


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Autora: Paula Andrea Pineda O. - DECA de Estudiantes